RASA Yoga Adventure Retreats     
info@rasaretreats.com  $  (615)260-5361   $ www.rasaretreats.commailto:info@rasaretreats.comhttp://www.rasaretreats.comshapeimage_1_link_0shapeimage_1_link_1
Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa
Trip Details
Standing on the highest point in Africa, looking out across this vast and varied continent is a sublime experience. This is a world-class trek, physically demanding, yet accessible to anyone with sufficient determination. Mt Kilimanjaro is one of the largest, inactive stratovolcanos in the world, rising over 19,000 feet from its base. The mountain has a variety of forest types and is home to over 1,200 vascular plant species. The trek begins at the Machame Park where you will hike through fields of "busy Lizzie" flowers, begonias and ferns, making camp among giant heather. As you ascend you will see herds of Eland and possibly even lions. In addition to unique plant and wildlife, you will experience a variety of interesting geological features unique to this type of volcano. Explore craters, volcanic caldera, as well as unusual volcanic rocks and boulders. By the fifth day of your trek you will be standing on the highest point of the African continent, proud to have conquered one of the famous Seven Summits.

And now imagine all of that with the addition of a yoga class right there on the summit!!

By adding yoga to this special adventure challenge we will witness the dual transformation both within ourselves and within the Kinangop community in Kenya. As we climb Mt. Kilimanjaro we will delve into the physical asana practice as an outlet to restore our bodies and prepare ourselves mentally for the expedition. Then through days spent volunteering at the Flying Kites Kinangop Childern’s Center we will have the opportunity to take our yoga practice off the mat and experience true karma yoga, the act of selfless service, while igniting that inner happiness in others. Finally, we will spend our last few days on safari educating ourselves on the fragile nature of the earth and learning methods of conscious living that we can bring back home and share with others. 

Join us for this enlightening journey of transformation inside and out! 

Each morning there will be an optional yoga class to get our day off to a great start. We’ll practice movements to soothe achy muscles from previous activities like hiking, volunteer work, or traveling and invigorate our bodies for the challenging day ahead. In the evenings there will be another opportunity to stretch out and relax combined with guided meditation to help facilitate the intentions participants have set for the trip. In addition Leah will present a few evening educational programs to expand upon a “living your yoga” practice. All yoga classes and activities are optional. The yoga classes will be designed to suit all levels and geared towards beginners.

Detailed Itinerary & Pack List coming soon...

Trip Pricing*
* Price includes airfare, all meals, yoga, activities, equipment and transportation. Plus, since this is a collaborative effort with Flying Kites, all expenses are tax deductible. See Flying Kites Adventure Challenges for more info and fundraising opportunities.

Registration & Additional Information
We are fielding interest for this trip in order explore the possibility of collaboration with Flying Kites now and in the future. If you are at all remotely interested to join us, please respond to Leah.
 Check here to learn more about Flying Kites and Flying Kites Adventure Challenges:

TBD, 2012
Bring your practice to life and join us in Africa to celebrate the multifaceted art of yoga combined with the challenge of climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. We are combining forces with our friends at Flying Kites to both immerse you in the beauty of this remarkable region and to welcome your own personal opportunities for growth through changing the lives of others.